Changeset - 21fa024e6e64
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Dennis Fink - 5 years ago 2019-03-24 20:30:20
Only convert file in specified directory
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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for i in $(find Logos/SVG Flags/SVG -type f -not -name "Laurel_Wreath.svg"); do
for i in $(find $1/SVG -type f -not -name "Laurel_Wreath.svg"); do
    new_pdf_filename=$(echo $i | sed 's/svg/pdf/g' | sed 's/SVG/PDF/g')
    new_plain_svg_filename=$(echo $i | sed 's/SVG/PLAIN_SVG/g')
    new_png_filename=$(echo $i | sed 's/svg/png/g' | sed 's/SVG/PNG/g')
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