Changeset - b926b64699a1
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Dennis Fink - 4 years ago 2020-09-26 17:10:05
Updated README
1 file changed with 21 insertions and 1 deletions:
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# C3L Logos etc..

## Folder structure

* Fonts - Fonts needed
* PDF - SVG rendered in PDF, with fonts rendered as paths

Every category folder contains the following subfolders:

* EPS - SVG rendered as EPS
* PDF - SVG rendered as PDF, with fonts rendered as paths
* PLAIN_SVG - SVG saved as plain svg and fonts rendered as paths
* PNG - SVG rendered as PNG
* SVG - Original SVG files

## How to use the scripts?

Design your artwork as an SVG and save it in the respective category
folder in the SVG subfolder.

Before committing run the scripts on the category folder:

./ Stickers/

This will convert the SVG to the other formats using innkscape.

Afterwards run the scripts on the category folder. This
will use optipng to compress the PNG files.

./ Stickers/
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