Files @ d6670a2601fe
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Location: C3L/Statutes/Makefile - annotation

Dennis Fink
Added 'natürliche' to IV/2

These bans all legal persons (like other organisation or companies) to become
a member.

I think that we should not allow companies etc.. to become a member of the
organisation, because we need to stay neutral! Besides also the german CCC has
this in it's statutes
MAINFILE = Satzung.rst
RST2ODT = rst2odt
RST2HTML = rst2html
ODTSTYLESHEET = ./Styles/styles.odt

ODTFIlE = Satzung.odt
HTMLFILE = Satzung.html

	@echo "Please use \'make <target>' where <target> is on of"
	@echo "  html to make a HTML version"
	@echo "  odt  to make a ODT version"

	-rm -rf Satzung.odt Satzung.html

	$(RST2ODT) --stylesheet=$(ODTSTYLESHEET) --no-sections --strip-comments --smart-quotes=yes --create-links $(MAINFILE) ./ODT/$(ODTFIlE)
	@echo "Build finished. The ODT file is named Satzung.odt"

	$(RST2HTML) --smart-quotes=yes --no-compact-list --date $(MAINFILE) ./HTML/$(HTMLFILE)
	@echo "Build finished. The HTML file is named Satzung.html"