File diff 0604be9af673 → d46f6d0254d1
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@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ Note that git submodules **must** be initalized, they contain crucial informatio
## How to use
Flash the image on the eMMC using the script (see section). Then use to install and configure the installation.

It is possible that your SSH agent might break some things: unlocked keys seem to be prioritized over a manually input key (using -i) and a password (challenge) authentication. This results in the server disconnecting the user with a "Too many authentication failures" error.

To avoid this, "crippling" the SSH agent might be necessary:
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/dev/null

### Structure of submodule
@@ -42,3 +49,11 @@ Usage:
`sudo ./ [playbook file, if none, site.yml]`

It simply verifies that the ansible requirements.txt are met and runs through the specific playbook.

This script used by the "localKey" role to setup key-based authentication.

It generates a local ed25519 ssh key in case it doesn't exist, then copies it over with ssh-pass and ssh-copy-id to each of the given hosts.

Each parameter is a different host. For example, setting up key based authentication on `mcr-alpha.lan` and `mcr-beta.lan`:
`./ "mcr-alpha.lan" "mcr-beta.lan"`