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Den Trafic aus dem Freifunk-Netz ass komplett vumprivaten Netz a senge Computer getrennt.privaten Netz a senge Computeren getrennt.Ännert sech d'Vitesse vu mengem Uschloss?Nee! Den Freifunk-Router notzt nëmmen een Deel vun derdisponibeler Bandbreet. Du selwer bestëmms, wei vill s dufir d'Freifunk Netz wëlls zur Verfügung stellen.Wéi eng Käschte kommen op mech duer?Ee gënschtege Freifunk-Router kascht momentan ëm déi 20€.Heefeg Froen + style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:15.99999905px;font-family:Ubuntu;-inkscape-font-specification:Ubuntu;fill:#1f558d">Heefeg Froen Allgemeng Informatiounen iwwer Freifunk fënnt een ënner: freifunk.net Websäit:Mir benotzen d'Infrastruktur vun den Lëtzebuerger Freifunker: freifunk.luKaart a Statistiken: map.freifunk.lu map.freifunk.lu stats.freifunk.luEmail-Kontakt: freifunk@c3l.luFreifunker-Treffen:All Méinden um 20:00 Auer am eegenen Hackerspace "ChaosStuff".Hei kann een diskutéieren, Router ariichten, Froe stellen a beäntweren.Méi op: www.chaosstuff.lu Fräien WLAN! + style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:500;font-stretch:normal;font-size:22.83620453px;font-family:Ubuntu;-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Medium';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#1f558d;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none">Fräien WLAN! freifunkfreifunk.lu @@ -1573,7 +1518,7 @@ inkscape:connector-curvature="0" id="path238" style="fill:#1a1a1a" - d="m 198.88,355.36 c 0,16.016 -12.983,29 -29,29 H 29 c -16.016,0 -29,-12.984 -29,-29 V 29 C 0,12.984 12.984,0 29,0 h 140.88 c 16.017,0 29,12.984 29,29 v 326.36 z" /> + d="m 198.88,355.36 c 0,16.016 -12.983,29 -29,29 l -140.88,0 c -16.016,0 -29,-12.984 -29,-29 L 0,29 C 0,12.984 12.984,0 29,0 l 140.88,0 c 16.017,0 29,12.984 29,29 l 0,326.36 z" /> + d="m 191.71,349.71 c 0,16.346 -13.681,29.595 -30.561,29.595 l -124.92,0 c -16.878,0 -30.561,-13.249 -30.561,-29.595 l 0,-313.67 C 5.671,19.699 19.353,6.449 36.232,6.449 l 124.92,0 c 16.88,0 30.561,13.25 30.561,29.595 l 0,313.67 z" /> + d="m 527.49,626.76 c 0,16.017 -12.983,29 -29,29 l -112,0 c -16.016,0 -29,-12.983 -29,-29 l 0,-300 c 0,-16.016 12.984,-29 29,-29 l 112,0 c 16.017,0 29,12.984 29,29 l 0,300 z" /> + d="m 527.49,626.76 c 0,16.017 -12.983,29 -29,29 l -112,0 c -16.016,0 -29,-12.983 -29,-29 l 0,-300 c 0,-16.016 12.984,-29 29,-29 l 112,0 c 16.017,0 29,12.984 29,29 l 0,300 z" /> + d="m 527.49,498.86 0,-172.1 c 0,-16.016 -12.983,-29 -29,-29 l -112,0 c -16.016,0 -29,12.984 -29,29 l 0,164.64 c 43.648,16.149 107.51,29.898 170,7.457 z" /> + d="m 357.49,629.39 c 0,16.226 12.984,29.378 29,29.378 l 112,0 c 16.017,0 29,-13.152 29,-29.378 l 0,-26.847 -170,0 0,26.847 z m 141,-333.29 -112,0 c -16.016,0 -29,13.153 -29,29.378 l 0,17.728 170,0 0,-17.728 c 0,-16.224 -12.984,-29.378 -29,-29.378 z" /> @@ -1622,7 +1567,7 @@ id="path3573" sodipodi:nodetypes="czcccccc" style="fill:#4d4d4d" - d="m 350.94,625.54 c 0,0 -8.8382,3.4062 -21.44,3.2544 -12.602,-0.15187 -22.589,-3.2544 -22.589,-3.2544 v 7.3607 c 0,2.3384 1.8428,4.2209 4.1317,4.2209 h 35.766 c 2.289,0 4.1317,-1.8825 4.1317,-4.2209 V 625.54 z" /> + d="m 350.94,625.54 c 0,0 -8.8382,3.4062 -21.44,3.2544 -12.602,-0.15187 -22.589,-3.2544 -22.589,-3.2544 l 0,7.3607 c 0,2.3384 1.8428,4.2209 4.1317,4.2209 l 35.766,0 c 2.289,0 4.1317,-1.8825 4.1317,-4.2209 l 0,-7.3607 z" /> + d="m 350.94,625.54 c 0,0 -8.8382,3.4062 -21.44,3.2544 -12.602,-0.15187 -22.589,-3.2544 -22.589,-3.2544 l 0,7.3607 c 0,2.3384 1.8428,4.2209 4.1317,4.2209 l 35.766,0 c 2.289,0 4.1317,-1.8825 4.1317,-4.2209 l 0,-7.3607 z" /> @@ -1812,7 +1757,7 @@ transform="translate(312.2732,158.5004)"> @@ -1821,7 +1766,7 @@ transform="translate(363.4164,144.1122)"> @@ -1839,7 +1784,7 @@ transform="translate(307.8759,131.2093)"> @@ -1848,7 +1793,7 @@ transform="translate(360.2316,131.2093)"> @@ -1857,7 +1802,7 @@ transform="translate(363.7037,138.0692)"> @@ -1918,7 +1863,7 @@ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccc" style="color:#000000;fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;filter:url(#filter5450)" transform="matrix(1.4623924,0,0,1.5110094,738.03491,145.33127)" - d="M 4.8125,29.363 1.5,42.582 c -0.70396,1.954 0.0843,2.946 0.625,3.125 H 45.25 c 0.788,-0.629 1.614,-1.476 1.125,-3.25 l -2.5,-12.969 C 43.809,29.132 43.523,28.94 43.125,28.832 L 6.25,28.863 C 5.5292,28.82 5.1504,28.837 4.8125,29.363 z" /> + d="M 4.8125,29.363 1.5,42.582 c -0.70396,1.954 0.0843,2.946 0.625,3.125 l 43.125,0 c 0.788,-0.629 1.614,-1.476 1.125,-3.25 l -2.5,-12.969 C 43.809,29.132 43.523,28.94 43.125,28.832 L 6.25,28.863 C 5.5292,28.82 5.1504,28.837 4.8125,29.363 Z" /> + d="m 745.31202,191.12026 -4.77071,17.74051 c -0.31829,0.82267 -0.70498,1.59569 -0.39692,2.09359 l 1.29705,2.1003 62.10919,0 1.64041,-1.92449 c 0.44934,-0.52608 0.2794,-1.42391 -0.0202,-2.43716 l -3.60053,-17.40499 c -0.0951,-0.47911 -0.50696,-0.73678 -1.08016,-0.88038 l -53.10786,0.0416 c -1.0381,-0.0577 -1.58366,-0.0349 -2.0703,0.67102 z" /> + style="color:#000000;opacity:0.85;fill:none;stroke:#171b1c;stroke-width:0.69513166;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:round" + d="m 748.10272,192.59115 -1.38995,8.4106 c -0.91771,1.24273 0.10974,1.87349 0.81458,1.98757 l 39.86366,0 0.12674,1.42391 11.89472,0 c 1.02687,-0.39993 2.10271,-0.93943 1.46614,-2.06809 l -1.85788,-9.67481 c -0.0864,-0.22681 -0.45943,-0.34893 -0.9779,-0.41738 l -48.06712,0.0201 c -0.9393,-0.0282 -1.43301,-0.0174 -1.87343,0.31807 z" /> + style="color:#000000;opacity:0.75;fill:#555753;fill-rule:evenodd" + d="m 764.51078,205.45868 -0.20595,2.2278 15.84234,0 -0.10226,-2.06407 c -0.023,-0.41872 -0.29092,-0.61197 -0.61785,-0.62002 l -14.50438,0 c -0.20739,0.0121 -0.34277,0.16641 -0.4119,0.45629 z" /> + style="color:#000000;opacity:0.75;fill:#555753;fill-rule:evenodd" + d="m 764.51078,208.66751 -0.20595,-0.98103 15.84234,0 -0.10226,1.03203 c -0.036,0.29391 -0.37301,0.27378 -0.61785,0.31001 l -14.50438,0 c -0.16851,0.0215 -0.31253,-0.0671 -0.4119,-0.36101 z" /> + d="m 740.67237,210.43767 c 0.14172,0.86428 0.005,1.83995 1.273,2.25464 l 61.10248,0 c 0.71867,-0.63882 1.33508,-1.05082 1.71962,-2.31369 l -64.09524,0.059 z" /> + style="color:#000000;opacity:0.21839001;fill:url(#linearGradient14293);fill-rule:evenodd" + d="m 748.46248,160.87149 0.18075,18.63162 c 10.2536,-5.6688 38.30103,-8.66559 48.78578,-8.9246 l 0,-9.86404 -48.96725,0.15662 z" /> + style="color:#000000;opacity:0.12000002;fill:#eeeeec;fill-rule:evenodd" + d="m 740.78053,210.37057 63.9397,0 c 0,0.83073 -0.70282,1.34205 -1.34948,1.34205 l -60.87925,0 c -1.32283,0 -1.71083,-1.34205 -1.71083,-1.34205 z" /> + style="color:#000000;opacity:0.61493997;fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd" + d="m 780.14285,210.37862 0.004,1.44136 c 0,0.25633 -0.22179,0.463 -0.49687,0.463 l -14.8486,0 c -0.27508,0 -0.49687,-0.20667 -0.49687,-0.463 l 0,-1.45209 15.83802,0.0107 z" /> + style="color:#000000;opacity:0.27000002;fill:#888a85;fill-rule:evenodd" + d="m 765.02637,202.67394 -0.21171,1.73526 6.69123,0 -0.0447,-1.60777 c -0.0101,-0.32612 -0.12817,-0.47643 -0.27076,-0.48314 l -5.98264,0 c -0.0907,0.009 -0.14978,0.13018 -0.18147,0.35565 z" /> - 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